Wednesday 23 January 2013

42. Live to see 2013

For the past year the news has been that the world was going to end in December 2012 in some huge explosion of the earth. Now I never really believed in the apocalypse but somewhere in the back of my mind I knew that I'd best make it my goal to make it to 2013, so I put it on my list. Boy am I glad I did make it too. 2012 was possibly one of the worst years in the history of years and I know that 2013 will be filled with amazing times. I have enjoyed everyday so far of this new year and was happy that I got to ring it in with all my friends. The things that I have to look forward to this year are prom, my eighteenth birthday, graduation, university acceptance, oh and the biggest one of them all the Taylor Swift concert!!! I am so excited for this year and wish you all the best this year aswell, happy new year!!!

Wednesday 19 December 2012

1. Meet Miley Cyrus

For those of you who know me, it is no surprise that the number one thing to do on my list is to meet Miley Cyrus. Now if you're reading this and asking yourself, well who's Miley Cyrus? I want you to get off of my blog and never come back, because your presence is pointless. She is the most beautiful, funny and lovable girl that I don't even know...yet. For the past six years I have devoted myself to loving Miley. I grew my hair down to my hips, because she had such long beautiful curly hair. When she decided to stop wearing her extensions, I cut all my hair off. When she chose to ombre her hair, guess what I did? You're damn right, I did the same! But unfortunately following her hair trends is over, because she has taken it to an extreme that even I can't do. She got a pixie cut and died it blonde. Now I would be completely on board if I had good enough facial features to pull off a pixie, but sadly I don't. So for now, I will pray for the day that she grows her hair out again. So as you can see I am a little obsessed with her, I can honestly say if I was to meet her I think I'd die from a heart attack. I know what you're all thinking, what a lame thing to put on a list it'll never happen, well you my friend are WRONG! From the words of the tattoo on Miley's arm "Love never lies", I believe that this love is real and will bring us together one day. That and I have a plan, once I get my passport I will travel to her home in California and wait outside her house and until I catch her going for her daily jog around the block. I may sound creepy, but hello do you not know me at all? (Photo Credit goes out to Han Van, for editing Miley Cyrus over my best friend Erin Messaros!)

Thursday 8 November 2012

31. Attend an Olympic Game

Every two years our country comes together to cheer on our greatest athletics in the summer and Winter Olympics. Personally the Winter Olympics  are my favourite, ever since the 2010 Olympics in British Columbia. I loved the feeling of our country coming together for something that isn't war or disasters, but rather something that makes everyone happy. It was the best feeling in the world to see Alexandre Bilodeau win that gold metal on Canadian soil live on my TV. I get chills when I watch the games and found myself staying up late in the night this summer just to watch them. I am such a proud supporter of the games that it only makes sense that I'd want to see them live. If they have such an effect on me through a TV I can only imagine how moving it would be to see it in person. I would much rather prefer to see the winter games over the summer, there's something about the snow that just makes me feel that much more Canadian watching it and it just feels like the Winter Olympics were made for us. I don't know when I'll get the chance to go see them, maybe in 2014? Or maybe in 2030? Whenever it is I'll be happy either way.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

7. Visit Carlo's Bakery

Have you ever heard of a little something called Cake Boss? It is only one of the most popular TV shows to ever air on TLC, excluding all those little people and their eighteen kids of course. For those of you that were in my grade nine summer school class, I'm sure you'll remember a certain presentation I did on wanting to be a baker. Yes that is right, I Courtney Leeder had a dream of making cream puffs for the rest of my life. Unfortunately the dream was short lived thanks to the efforts of my dear mother. However I do still love to bake and always have, which is why Cake Boss was one of my favourite shows. I loved seeing how they were able to make such impeccable cakes and beautiful pastries, that and I also enjoy a good Italian family screaming at eachother and using exaggerated hand movements, makes me feel like I belong. Therefore I put it on my list to visit that small shop in Hoboken, and see if it is really as tasty as it seems on TV. You know what they say, the proof is in the pastry.

59. Have Breakfast at Tiffany's

Audrey Hepburn is possibly one of the most glamorous people who has ever lived. In my eyes she is beauty, elegance, and class all wrapped up into one. She is a style icon to all and definitely one of my favourite people. Breakfast at Tiffany's is by far my favourite movie of hers. For those of you who have never seen the film, it is about a young New Yorker who falls for a man who has just moved into her apartment building, I would go into greater detail but I'd rather you just watch it! This picture is from the classic scene in the movie where Audrey Hepburn's character (Holly Golightly) eats her breakfast in front of the Tiffany store window, hence the title of the movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's". I have never been to New York, let alone a Tiffany's store, but when I do go there, I can't wait to put on my best outfit and feel just as glamorous as Audrey as I eat breakfast outside that beautiful Tiffany's window. It just goes to show that you don't need to go into an expensive jewelry store to feel as glamorous as the people inside. Recreating this scene is a tribute to the wonderful films Audrey made during her life, and that is my I put it on my list.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Not Yet Completed

Even though I've had my list for years, I have only been able to complete the few things that I have already posted. So rather then waiting around to complete things, I figured I'd now do blog entries on the other things on my list that I plan to do one day. I'm sorry if this is not as interesting as hearing my stories on how I cross things off my list but I hope you find them just as amusing. So from this post on it will only be my not completed list that I will talk about!

Sunday 4 November 2012

36. Host a Radio Show

People tune into radio stations everyday and are constantly pleased with either the amazing music selection or the witty humour of it's host. Hosting a radio show is basically acting for the voice, you can feel as care free and comfortable as you want because no one can see you, you just have to have that crystal clear voice. I always thought it'd be awesome to host a radio show because I'd get to pick all the music and make them laugh without actually having to be in the same room as them. At my high school we have a radio booth that plays music in the mornings and at lunch, my broadcasting class last year had an assignment where we each had to do our own live radio broadcast. That was my big radio debut, my friend Conrad and I were partners and decided to do a themed radio show on classic TV and movie theme songs. We played things from the theme song of the hit nineties show Friends, to the unforgettable sounds of Star Wars (As seen in the picture, advertising our radio show). It was an amazing time and even better since we got to play such a wide variation of music that everyone loved. It was however nerve racking, seeing as how you're on live and anything you do or say cannot be edited, I definitely salute those who are in the radio business. DOing this made me realize that going into radio as a proffession is not something I want to do, I just don't have the quick responses and reactions that would be usful to have when talking on air.